TekThing 30: Is Windows 10 Really Free? Should you Upgrade? New Moto X & G, Best College Classes For Tech, More!

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Windows 10!!! Yup, Windows 10 is finally here. Should you upgrade? Does Cortana work? What makes it better (or worse) than Windows 7 or 8??? We've got answers!
New Motorola Phones! Best Android phone under $200? Check out  the new Moto G... and the new Moto X Pure (aka the Moto X Style) while you're there!
More Windows 10: Is Windows 10 really free? Privacy concerns and configuring for privacy, Home vs. ProDual Booting Windows 10 with Windows 7 or 8, ISO downloads of Windows 10
Windows 10 Gaming: It's too early to see much from DirectX 12 on most games, but DigitalTrends says Xbox Streaming works well!
Turn Off Wi-Fi Sense Password Sharing: Worried about Wi-Fi Sense password sharing in Windows 10? Here's how to turn it off
College Tech Classes: Jeovahny from Atlanta posted on Facebook, “What courses should I take in college to more prepare me for the wave of tech. I have my A+ compTIA so far." We've got tons of great info on what to study and why in the video!