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FCC Promises Net Neutrality!?!
Surprise! The Chairman of the FCC put all his weight behind ensuring Net Neutrality this week... find out what this means in the video. (Great analysis from the EFF, here... they're pretty stoked!)
Computer Tookit Recco?
Josh emailed ask@tekthing.com, "I was hoping you guys could help out with this. I am waiting to get a computer toolkit but I do not know if I should get a kit or make my own. Some help with this would be nice." We show the one tool you need to fix or build desktop PCs, the Pentalobe drivers you need for newer Apple products, fave collections of tools, why we avoid 'classic computer toolkits,' and why Patrick's garage looks like the tool corral at the big box store!
Rapid Fire Round: Best Email Apps for iPhone & iPad!
After a few months on Android, Patrick can't stand the iOS Mail app, so he's been running Gmail, Mailbox, and the new Outlook for iOS. Find out the good and the bad on these apps in the video!
Unlock Your Phone For Free???
Tom writes, "Any tips on unlocking a phone without having to pay the $50 that some companies want?" Yup! Here's how you can unlock your phone for free on Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint. (Lots of good info on the FCC's Device Unlocking FAQ!)
Raspberry Pi 2!!!
The Raspberry Pi 2 started shipping this week... with a faster processor and more memory, this open ARM powered computer promises to -finally- have enough power to use as desktop. And, surprise, it's getting its own version of Windows 10! We can't wait to start building with it!
Do Something Analog!
Extreme Lego? How about Lego With Friends! Patrick had a lot of fun building lego and talking tech, movies, and more with Norm and Will from Tested.com. The kits they built were pretty sick... a limited trio of birds and a crazy 1500 piece Maerks Triple E container ship!