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Budget Gaming!!! Canned Air Sucks: Get A DataVac! Netgear ORBI Outdoor Satellite Router --TekThing 184

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Stop Using Canned Air! John, aka JWBrin tweets, “@patricknorton @Snubs @TekThing @robertheron do you use canned air or canned air alternatives to clean out your computer system?  If you use can-less what do you use?” Robert Heron and HardOCP help answer this one: it's all about Metro's DataVac Electric Duster!
Netgear Orbi Outdoor Router Wondering why a mesh router like Netgear's ORBI RBS50Y Outdoor Satellite is IP56 rated to resist rainfall and dust? Watch the video to find out how well it did bringing WiFi to some tough areas outside Patrick's house! 
Budget Gaming Ideas Dominic tweets, "@TekThing Catching up, appreciate the gaming laptop reviews. People on a serious budget might reconsider their games. I have an ancient laptop running Ubuntu & able to play great games like Broforce & FTL which will basically play on a potato. Lots of great indies & work on Linux" Good thought, Dominic! We've got some more easy games to run in the video, along with a site that will help you figure out if you can run a game on your PC!
Thoughts on VMWare's vSphere and ESXi You wanted to hear more about VMWare's vSphere and ESXi, two of our viewers, Jesse and Jay in Ohio have experience to share on what these virtual machines do best, and they have experience with alternatives, like Hyper-v and XCP-NG. Our viewers rock! 
Thanks Hak5!!! A big Thank You to Hak5 for the studio space! Check out the security and privacy podcasts at hak5.org, then check out the superior pentesting and USB automation tools over at hak5.org/gear! The USB rubber ducky is awesome: looks like a flash drive, types like a keyboard. A very very fast keyboard! 
Do Something Analog Like Blastedhuman, who tweeted out, "@TekThing Did I do something analog? You decide. I learned the basics of using a sewing machine. I finished my first project. True I learned it on YouTube. I didn't go outside and my first project was a projector screen. I think it turned out well.:)" That is DEFINITELY something analog, Blasted!!! Well done! 
Thank You Patrons! Without your support via patreon.com/tekthing, we wouldn't be able to make the show for you every week! 
THANKS to Hak5 for the studio space! Grab some Hak5Gear and check out the security and privacy podcasts at hak5.org.
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