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Kaby Lake Intel Processor, GEM Box Android TV, KEF EGG, AutoPatcher, Block USB Rubber Ducky?

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New Intel Kaby Lake CPUS! 
Thinking about buying a new laptop? Might want to wait a week or two, performance deets in the video! 

EMTEC GEM Box $99 Android TV and Gaming!  Can this tiny box compete with Nvidia's Shield, Amazon's Fire TV, and other Google Android set top boxes? Hands on demo in the video! 

AutoPatcher!  John emailed ask@tekthing.com... "I've love to hear your guys thoughts on AutoPatcher." We discuss this offline updater and alternative to MS update, along with alternatives like Portable Update, and WSUS Offline Update.

KEF EGG Wireless Digital Music System Best sounding computer speakers ever? Sure, but with Bluetooth, an HD DAC, 50W per speaker, and KEF's UNi-Q drivers, the EGG are -way- more than computer speakers. More in the video! 

Turn Off Automounter? 
Jeff wants to know if turning off autoplay or automounting will prevent rogue thumb drives from attacking your PC. Find out why that won't work in the video, and here's that link on defending against the USB Rubber Ducky

USB C Can Kill?!? 
Nicky says, heads up, "Benson Leung's warning about a particular Anker USB-C to USB-C cable that can destroy phones!" 

Do Something Analog!
Once in a while, put down the phone, step away from the screen, close the laptop... and do something analog... viewer John's story is in the video!
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